- Q. What are the FedEx shipping charges to the United States?
- A. The shipping fee to the USA is $ 550
- Q. How much does FedEx shipping cost in other countries?
- A. Please check this link.
- Q. Is it delivered by ship or by plane?
- A. For individual orders, we deliver by plane. For bulk orders, we can arrange a shipping container and deliver by ship.
- Q. Please tell me how many days it will take from Japan to the United States.
- A. FedEx takes around 7 to 14 business days to deliver.
- Q. Please tell me the courier.
- A. We send our machines using FedEx.
- Q. Please tell me about the additional shipping fee.
- A. If you purchase the machine together with the add-ons and peripherals, the additional shipping fee may be free if they can be packed with the machine. If it doesn't fit in one box, or if you purchase only the add-ons and peripherals, the additional shipping fee will be charged.
FedEx shipping prices always vary. It depends on the orders' total weight and size after safe packaging. We will request an updated quote from FedEx after measuring your package, so we might ask you to complete your order first before paying again for the additional shipping fee.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to send us a message.
- Q. Is the pachinko machine maintained?
- A. Every machine is well maintained. The machine you plan to order will be disassembled for an overhaul. After thorough testing, deep cleaning, and the overhaul, your machine will be carefully packed. We will ensure that all parts are working and in good condition before shipping.
Please check our overhaul feature video here.
- Q. Do you have a machine manual?
- A. Yes, the machine you purchased will include a basic English manual.
- Q. Why did the FedEx shipping charges increase?
- A. Shipping charges have increased due to the coronavirus. We are currently stopping shipments to Russia.
- Q. When can I get the tracking number of the machine?
- A. The tracking number will be sent via email as soon as the airport procedures are completed.
- Q. Please tell me the shipping procedure for the product.
- A. After confirming your order on our website, we will start preparing immediately. The machine will be overhauled and shipped within a month.
- Q. Is there a problem with the packing method of the product?
- A. All our products are packed with care. You can watch our machine packaging video by clicking this link.
- Q. Please tell me about tariffs on goods.
- A. Customs rules vary from country to country. Please contact your local customs office in advance for purchased items and prices. Check out the links below.
About taxes - Q. Do I need an invoice for customs clearance?
- A. Customs clearance rules vary from country to country, but invoices are often required, so please use the invoice we sent you.
- Q. Please tell me about the specifications of the pachinko machine.
- A. A-PACHINKO sells machines, so you can enjoy playing with them. Therefore, if the ball lands in the prize pocket of our machine, the ball will not be paid. When the machine is in payout mode, the balls will not pop out and will fill the normally displayed plastic tray.
So why aren't there any payments? Why is this good?
House slot sales purpose Pachinko parlors and pachinko balls are designed to beat prize balls. For example, the machine has a 5-ball prize pocket. Five balls will be paid for each ball that goes into the prize pocket. This happens fairly regularly, so the balls are always removed from the top tray and the machine displays an error message when the balls run out. Also, in Japan, when making payments, it is very noisy and can be annoying to your neighbors. However, the behavior of the machines sold here at A-PACHINKO is slightly different. If the ball goes into the prize pocket, there is no payment. The advantage of this is that the player gets a complete experience without the risk of error messages or extra noise.
The above method is how the machines on our website are usually prepared.
But this is just a Japanese rule. If you want to pay the ball on your home machine, we can arrange it for you.
①: Error clearance is not important. No prize payment * This is the best way for all Japanese customers. All products sold on the website are ①.
②: Error clearance is mandatory and prize balls will be paid. * ② is the method used in Japanese pachinko parlors and is very difficult. - The video of pattern ① is as follows:.
* Circulation lifter is sold separately.
The video of pattern ② is as follows. -
Please select ① or ② after understanding the specifications. - Thank you for reading to the end.
- Questions about pachinko terminology