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Premium-quality Pachinko Machines and Pachislot Machines for Sale
Premium-quality Pachinko Machines and Pachislot Machines for Sale


Întrebări despre terminologia Pachinko


Ce este „Cr” în Pachinko?
O mașină pachinko care împrumută bile cu un card preplătit. Există diverse teorii despre sensul „CR”, dar prescurtarea „Card Reader” prin utilizarea Cardurilor este un candidat de frunte. Sistemul „CR”, care a apărut în 1992, a necesitat achiziționarea unui card preplătit de la o distribuitoare de distribuție. Cu toate acestea, numărul saloanelor Pachinko folosind „CR” a scăzut, iar din 2023, toate au dispărut. Ideea este că este o mașină Pachinko care poate fi legată de vechiul sistem.

Ce este „mașina P” din Pachinko?
Au apărut multe modele de tip CR Pachinko, dar odată cu revizuirea legii în februarie 2018, perdeaua se va închide după aproximativ 30 de ani de istorie. Mașinile Pachinko care au apărut după aceea au fost numite „mașini P”. De la apariția mașinii P au fost deja făcute diverse modificări, cum ar fi implementarea setărilor (6 niveluri de setări utilizate pentru sloturi), numărul maxim de runde și implementarea timpului de joc, extinzând gama de joc. Este bine să ne amintim că „Cr = Old Standard Machine” și „P = Mașină Standard New”. Apropo, există o teorie puternică conform căreia „P” în mașina P este litera inițială a „sistemului personal” care a făcut posibilă tipul de locuință.

De ce există subnume diferite pentru același Garopachinko?
Cred că este vorba despre „CR Garo Goldstorm Sho”. De exemplu, are același sentiment și sens ca și filmele „Rocky 4: Fire Prieteny” și „Rocky 5: Last Drama”. Prin urmare, povestea afișată pe LCD -ul Pachinko diferă în funcție de seria Galo.

Ce înseamnă literele și numerele din spatele numelor mașinilor Pachinko?
Voi explica semnificațiile RH, FPK, FPH, etc. Inspecția sunt listate după numele lui Pachinko. Alfabetele și numerele sunt formulare pentru efectuarea inspecției. Mașinile Pachinko trebuie inspectate pentru a vedea dacă sunt potrivite pentru utilizare în săli și nu pot fi vândute decât dacă trec inspecția. Producătorii pun alfabete și numere pe mașini pachinko pentru această inspecție. Alfabetele și numerele sunt adăugate, deoarece este supărător să schimbi numele dacă inspecția nu reușește de fiecare dată. De asemenea, poate avea sens în funcție de producător.

De exemplu, producătorul Pachinko Fuji Shoji are multe mașini numite FP*.

 F = fuji shoji
 P = pachinko
 Asta înseamnă.
 Ultima nu este cunoscută numai pentru dezvoltatorul producătorului și există diferite tipuri, cum ar fi F = Full Spec, L = Large, S = Small. Pe scurt, cred că este bine să recunoaștem că diferența de alfabet este diferența de specificații.

Ce este Pachinko Light Middle?
Mijlocul ușor este unul dintre termenii folosiți pentru a descrie specificațiile Pachinko.

Based on 16 reviews
Amazing Experience!

Besides the pachinko, my purchase also included a fixed stand/foot and a circulation ball lifter. I had a few questions regarding the ball lifter which were quickly answered in great detail by May. After the purchase was made, every step of the order processing was made known to me which I truly appreciated and I was very surprised by how quickly the pachinko was able to ship. It was expertly packaged and arrived in perfect condition, it was more beautiful in person than in photos or videos. I will also note that a video guide for some basic functions as well as a paper guide with more robust instructions was also included with a lot of extremely helpful information regarding use, care, and maintenance of the pachinko. Thank you so much for providing this. The experience thus far of using the machine has been perfect. It is fully functional and is an absolute joy to play. I am a very new pachinko collector so it is only my second game, however because my experience with A-Pachinko was so wonderful, and because they were so willing to patiently answer my numerous questions in such great detail, I know for sure that when I purchase my 3rd pachinko, it will be through A-Pachinko. Thank you so much for the wonderful experience, I look forward to future business with you!

Very nice coin box

I ordered the Blue one for my JAWS Pachislot machine and I am thoroughly impressed. It’s very solid and looks great! I am very pleased that I purchased this from A-Pachinko…Thank you for quality products and great customer service!!!

Great pruduct

Extremely well packed.
Very good quality pruduct.
All is perfect.
I recommend the product.
Seller very professional
Good feedback
Charles Morgan

Solid stand

I was on the fence as to whether I wanted just standard black or a color to match my Godzilla vs. Evangelion -G Cell Awakening machine. I am glad I went with the metallic red - it nearly perfectly matches the reds on the cabinet and looks great overall. Stand feels very sturdy and I am thankful it came pre-installed with my pachinko machine shipment and was well packed.

Absolutely Insane!

This machine was my holy grail... the pinnacle to my kaiju collection... the ultimate absurd collaboration between Shin Godzilla and Evangelion. Everything about this cabinet is absolutely nuts and it is both fun and addicting to play. A-Pachinko World exceeded my expectations with their quality and service from purchase to delivery. Machine came expertly packed and much faster than expected. Was simple to install thanks to the provided YouTube video. Highly recommended all around. YouTube video placeholder
Style Cabinet
Brandon Zuerner
Pachinko Cabinet

A good cabinet that’s relatively easy to put together. The company was excellent with communication and make sure I got what I needed. Will do business with again.

Amazing Machine

Machine came way too fast, it caught me off guard. It was in great condition and plays really well. I wish I was a bit more knowledgeable on these machines, for I would have selected the option to disable prize balls. Will definitely order in the future.

Christopher McMillen

Amazing customer service, quality, and price! My family and friends really enjoy this machine.

Awesome stand

The stand looks great attached to the Pachinko machine. Holds it really well and sturdy. I am very happy with the purchase.

Must have for simple stand

If you’re getting the simple stand I highly recommend this to keep the top protected. It came nicely packaged and fit perfectly on the simple stand

Simple stand
Michael Paramo
Great stand

Was hesitant about getting this because it’s made out of cardboard but the company shared some photos showing how strong it was. It’s really easy to assemble and looks great with my new pachislo. I recommend getting this if you need something to place your machine on and it’s very light weight but feels sturdy. Make sure to add the acrylic mat to keep the top protected.

My 1st pachislo and it’s amazing!

This is my first pachislo machine and first time buying from a-pachinko. I was really impressed with the packaging of the product , I think it was the best packaging I have ever seen!! Machine came in great shape and almost looks brand new. The turn around from ordering to delivery was very fast and I loved the quick communication I received regarding some questions I had. The machine itself is really nice looking and the high def display looks fantastic. Game play is smooth but I must warn you, if you live in an apartment know that this machine is loud. It vibrates hard when you first turn on the machine and also if you win. I am overall very happy with this product and it blends in great with my anime figure collection. Highly recommend buying from a-pachinko and I will definitely be ordering from them again

Lupin The Third Dream of Italy

I have ordered many machines from A-Pachinko and every single time they do not disappoint. If you have any problem they will help you get it fixed immediately. In regards to this machine it came super clean (it looked almost unused). A-Pachinko also supports their product after you get it if you have any questions or issues etc which is nice. I plan to order another machine soon!

High School DxD GLA
Kyle Detweiler
Solid Machine

This was great for a first machine. It's been a good conversation starter. And I absolutely love that I can get lost in it for a few hours.

Excellent, fun machine

Service from A-Pachinko was impeccable, as always. They are fast, prompt and courteous. They sent pictures of the machine prior to shipment. Packaging was excellent, they took extra care to add foam and wrap inside and outside the machine. Came with a booklet and keys as well. Machine works fantastic.
Video footage of it in action below. YouTube video placeholder